Neem seeds buy online
Neem tree is basically a tropical tree. It can grow at any high temperature but the entirely wet provinces are unsuitable for its growth. Neem tree belongs to a category called mesophyte means it can exist neither in a dry environment nor in seasonally wet areas. Moreover, it cannot tolerate drought conditions. Neem tree is well known for its medicinal value, and India is supposed to be its origin.
Common name: Neem tree, Nim, Margosa Tree, Vepa, Nimbay, Yepa, Pichumarda
Color: White
Bloom time: March to May
Height: 15–20 meters (49–66 ft), rarely to 35–40 meters (115–131 ft)
Difficulty level: Very Easy
Planting & Care
It needs and positively thrives in hot weather, but it can handle the occasional cold spell.
Sunlight: Full Sun to Partial Shade
Soil: Any
Water: Dry
Temperature: Temperatures up to 50°C (120F) are fine for growing neem trees.
The seeds should be good.
Provided that only a few trees are to be planted, and there is sufficient moisture available, with minimum weeds, the seeds may be sown directly into the ground.
Two to three seeds are placed together about 1 cm deep in the loose soil.
After germination, only the strongest plant should be retained.
When planting a large number, it is advisable to cultivate young plants first in pots, trays or plastic bags.
After 3 months, they should be transplanted into the ground.
When using bags or pots care should be taken that the plants are not allowed to develop to a stage where the tap root has pierced the bottom and has to be shortened before transplantation.
This weakens the trees and substantially slows their growth.