The Book of Ram Author by Devdutt Pattanaik
The Book of Ram Author by Devdutt Pattanaik
‘Ram’s story as a metaphor for human strengths and weaknesses and as a window to inner divinity’—Tehelka / Ram is maryada purushottam, the supreme upholder of social values, scion of the Raghu clan, jewel of the solar dynasty, seventh avatar of Vishnu. Reviled by feminists, appropriated by politicians, he remains serene in his majesty, the only Hindu deity to be worshipped as a king. Join Devdutt Pattanaik as he explores the relevance of Ram in modern times, peeling back the layers of metaphors and meanings in the many retellings of his tale.
A good summation of the many Ramayanas, showing how the story has been adapted over the centuries to suit the needs and perspectives of different people –Sunday Guardian
Pattanaik is a consummate writer … his engaging and easy style will appeal to and charm both the lay as well as the serious reader –Mail Today