Designer(fancy) leaf flower with Tilaka and Turmeric Powder/Pasupu,Kumkuma Powder(1 piece)
You cannot send a return gift or tambulam without adding a packet of kumkuma or vermillion and haldi or turmeric to the gift box.
This designer flower model Pasupu kumkuma is an ideal match to your beautifully decorated gift box.
Pasupu kumkuma is considered an integral part of Indian festivity and worship. Halid and kumkuma are symbols of good luck and when these are sent, it is actually wishing the best to the recipients.
With the changing times, the way of sending pasupu kumkuma has changed; there are several assorted gift models available in the market which can be used to send these. Turmeric and vermillion are attached right at the bottom of the flower.
The designer flower model Pasupu kumkuma is elegantly designed to match the occasions of ceremonies at house, wedding, worship and rituals. While the flower is available in a bright yellow colour, there are four or five green petals adorning the flower, given it a natural look. The flower is further decorated with colourful threaded studded with small beads; making it a perfect match to a bright gift box.
• Now there is no need to wreck the market to get the perfect designer flower model Pasupu. The model is available directly at your doorsteps in just few days time.
• The kumkuma and turmeric are wrapped in a transparent packet and hence you can see and verify the content without spoiling the decor.
• The kumkuma and haldi available in this pack are of high quality and hence do not adversely affect skin.
Product Information:
Sizes: 2 – 3 Inches
Note – This product will be made in different colors. At the time of purchase, Depending on available color order will be fulfilled. The available color will be notified if it is not matching with product picture color. Up on confirmation from customer either we proceed with order or we refund the amount which includes that particular product shipping.