Numbers & Logic: KG Workbook (Little Genius Series) to Pre-Primary Child (4-6 yrs)(English)
Numbers & Logic: KG Workbook (Little Genius Series): Numbers, Numbers in Words, Addition & Subtraction, Time & Money, Patterns, Logic & Mental Ability to Pre-Primary Child (4-6 yrs)(english)
1. Child will be able to identify, read, write and count numbers.
2. Child will be able to relate numbers with his/her surroundings. Example: a car has 4 wheels, 6 donuts in a tray etc.
3. Child will be able to count, add & subtract with the help of his/her fingers.
4. Child will be able to identify various simple shapes – square, circle, rectangle, triangle.
5. Child will be able to relate these shapes with the various everyday objects – rectangular flag, circular plates etc.
6. Child will be able to compare the quantity, size, weight, length and other approximate physical attributes of various objects. Example: a football is larger than a golf ball, a bus is taller than a car, a pencil is longer than an crayon etc.
Paperback: 140 pages